The Rochester NY magazine scene is a flourishing one, which is fantastic news both for the publishers of these magazines and for the readers who subscribe to them and who pick them up on newsstands. While some markets have struggled under the weight of online advertising and a severe dip in print publication advertising, that has largely not been the case in this little slice of heaven in New York’s upstate region. This largely is the case because of the strength of these Rochester NY magazines and because of their deep commitment to the Rochester community. So what do these magazines cover, and how else are they managing to succeed in such a competitive marketing driven world?
To answer the first question, some Rochester NY magazines are more feature driven, meaning that profiles of local celebrities and personalities like television anchors and athletes are the norm. Other Rochester NY magazines are more geared specifically toward the business community, including profiles of business owners and companies inside Rochester proper and just outside of it. And other Rochester NY magazines focus more on trends and technologies, covering everything from cars to computers.
The Rochester NY magazines that include features and local personalities largely are available by subscription, though many are accessible through the newsstands at local grocery stores and retail outlets as well. The Rochester magazines that focus clearly on the Rochester business community usually are accessible via subscription, as are the magazines published by Rochester companies that focus mostly on technologies and trends. What all of these Rochester NY magazines have in common though is that they all have somewhat of an online presence. Some are stronger than others, but all make their presence known online.
To offer an answer to the second question, nearly every Rochester magazine in circulation today manages to succeed largely due to local business partnerships and a strict focus on giving Rochester residents what they want. Most Rochester NY magazines today listen carefully to their readers and focus on the stories that matter most to these readers, whether these articles cover tips and advice, personality profiles, or product reviews. They publish articles according to what their readers want to know more about, and every single time their focus is specifically on Rochester residents, Rochester business owners, and Rochester companies. They are very local, which makes them very accessible and very attractive to local advertisers who wish to reach this local readership.