Today’s church services continue in unusual formats. From live streaming to posted prerecorded videos, it is important to note that there are many times when the digital work that is involved in a church service can seem overwhelming. When churches and other non profits work with a company known for its white label SEO audits and strategies, however, the digital tasks may seem less overwhelming.
It is especially difficult, for instance, to track congregational trends in these most unusual times created by the pandemic. With many worshipping groups meeting virtually instead of in person, it should come as no surprise that traditional attendance and giving trends are tricky to track. It is likely that no one expected in March of 2020 that the change to in person worship would still be necessary 10 to 15 months later. Realizing that things will likely not return to normal by summer, however, many congregations are starting to struggle to meet their financial commitments. As a result, many of these groups are looking at digital marketing trends and options. With information garnered from a white label SEO audit study, for instance, church councils and pastors can make use of some of the same strategies that for profit companies use.
Watching the metrics that are needed before returning to in person worship is important for the health and safety of the church staff and the congregation. Likewise, it is also important that these groups closely monitor their online giving trends and plan accordingly. For instance, while some churches may have originally set out to wait until the numbers of positive cases dropped for 14 days in a row, it now becomes apparent that many others have lowered the threshold they are looking for. This means that a neighboring church may open while others remain closed. As a result there are more and more congregations looking at what they can do to help reach congregation members in these most unusual of times. Utilizing all of the information that can be provided by a white label SEO audit and marketing strategy may be the best option.
A couple of new developments are working against the congregation members who are wishing for a return to in person gathering. The slower than anticipated distribution of vaccines in some parts of the country is one of those developments. The second slow down is the development of new variants that appear to be even more contagious. Some churches are working closely with local health departments and relying on advice from doctors as they make decisions about opening their sanctuaries. These doctors reenforce the need to follow the science and want to see churches wait until there are longer, sustained declines in positivity rates. Correctly sharing this information remains key to making sure that congregation members are given the details in the best format. Again, it is the tricks of the trade provided by a white label SEO audit and strategy that may be of value.
Making decisions about the metrics that will be used to determine reopening plans is not easy, and the fact of the matter is whatever decision is made will please some, and anger others. Even as the new identified strains of the virus are spreading, for instance, some pastors and church councils are receiving pressure to return to some kind of normalcy. And while some churches are returning to normal worship, others are letting their congregation members know that when they return there will be several changes. According to the health guidelines from many experts, for instance, in person worship should not include unison singing or speaking. And the most recent medical advise is to not have communion. So while churches might be able to open, it is important to note that it may be difficult to offer the community feeling that these spaces have offered in the fast.
Whether you are in charge of making difficult decisions with a for profit business or a not for profit organization, the challenges created by the pandemic have required many groups to make the best use of the latest and most effective marketing strategies. Is your group or company using all of the available digital resources?