If you’re interested in learning a few details about engines, you should keep reading. The Youtube video “The 3 Biggest Problems with the C15 and 3406E” shows the main issues with these models and what you should understand about them. Let’s find out more!
The Cat 3406E and the C15 engines are considered the longest-running and simplest types of engines created for several industries. They could run for more than a million miles before you had to replace them. However, they had many problems that need to be addressed.
A big issue with these engines is the spacer plate oil leaks.
This problem happened no matter which one you had. It was ubiquitous. The spacer plate is located under the cylinder head next to the engine block. If you look closely at the video, you can see oil bubbles. The spacer plate gasket caused the bubbles and the leaks.
Another issue with these C15 plugs is the overhead and rocket arms, specifically the way they were designed. The rocket arms were not made strong enough for the valve train.
You can watch the rest of the video for more details about C15 plugs.