If you’ve been to Rochester, you know it is the heart of civil rights, beer, and arts and culture. As per Rochester Biz, the city thrives in a community full of top-tier talent. It also has leading-edge innovation and provides anyone, even local businesses, with a competitive cost of doing business. But that’s not all. Rochester is the home of many exterior painters, roofing companies, and other small and medium businesses (SMBs).
Statistically speaking,70% of consumers in the US prefer shopping in local businesses across the United States, with an additional 38% planning to shop locally more often. Such business trends exemplify the need to support local businesses in Rochester, New York, to meet consumer demands. Similarly, service providers like plumbing repairs and local electricians require massive support to provide quality services. According to the Next Door survey, 72% of Americans are willing to pay more at local businesses for high-quality services, especially after the advent of the Covid 19 pandemic.
This article will discuss the importance of supporting local businesses in Rochester and elsewhere. You’ll pick up practical ways to support local businesses in Rochester. After the read, you’ll be equipped with easy-to-implement tips for promoting a local cabinet designer or water restoration services because such businesses account for 40% of the American economy.
Why Is Supporting Local Businesses Important?
By now, you’ve already heard a random person on the Internet going, “eat local, buy local, go local.” However, hiring the local hardscaping business or working with nearby funeral homes is sometimes difficult. Factors like price and availability of services matter, which explains why 6% of Americans have very little or no confidence in small businesses. Still, advocating for community businesses and spending there can be worthwhile.
When you support local businesses in Rochester, your dollar improves the life of your neighbor and yours too. Since you’re a local, you get a customized experience and help keep the wealth in your local area. Keep reading for more reasons why a local company in Rochester should do your next roof replacement.

1. Growth for the Local Community
When you hire a local home window cleaning business, the proceeds go back to your community. Such spending helps stimulate the local economy and keep business booming in the city. Once you support local businesses in Rochester, they help keep the area buzzing with tourists and shoppers and create jobs. When a local business becomes profitable, it opens its doors to many people, and your family can be lucky enough to have someone working there.
Apart from creating jobs, local business owners return the favor by holding special events to show their gratitude. They also participate in fundraisers and offer to sponsor local teams and groups. In an article, NBC News reported that small businesses donate 2.5 times more to support local causes than large businesses. This means coming together creates a positive cycle and keeps the entire community growing.
2. Tax Relief
Everyone loves to pay lower taxes. When you support your local business, you’ll be offering tax relief for yourself, and here’s how. Small businesses use tight spaces and land efficiently and have central locations, reducing the demand for services such as sewer or roads. According to Minuteman Press, these business dynamics mean SMBs end up paying lower taxes.
Moreover, owners running local independent businesses often have more tax revenue with each sale per dollar, unlike mega stores. In turn, the local businesses in Rochester translate the low tax expenses on local consumers. Therefore, supporting local businesses in Rochester means you spend less tax and save more.
3. Improved Customer Experience
For local businesses, every customer matters. All purchases and customer interactions are important, which explains why local owners want to retain each customer. This is not something you see in big businesses and chain stores. Unlike the cashier at Walmart, a shopkeeper at your local business in Rochester will take time to get to know you. Thanks to the customized experience, you’ll shop more in the same shop and become a regular.
In addition, there are fewer bureaucracies. When you raise a complaint at a local business, they won’t send you to the company website to read the terms of service. Instead, the business owner will handle your concern in a personalized way to ensure you find an amicable solution.

4. Nurturing Growth
Once you support local businesses in Rochester, you help them stay afloat. Remember that they face big-box competition, which can put them out of business. Since enterprises operate based on survival of the fittest, your contribution helps them to try outmuscling big stores. Your purchase helps push them to be better entrepreneurs who conjure experimental ideas to solve local problems. This is the kind of growth you want for your local community.
5. Reduced Environmental Impact
Most local businesses get their supplies from nearby dealers, requiring less transportation. The suppliers are usually near residential areas with less air pollution and traffic congestion. This means a less negative impact on the environment because movement is limited. In the wake of climatic discussions and issues of reducing carbon footprint, supporting local businesses can help reduce fuel emissions. While you may not realize this benefit immediately, your grandchildren will love living in a cleaner area.
Ways of Supporting Local Businesses in Rochester
With the reasons given, it’s now easier to see why you need to support local businesses in Rochester. It is impactful, especially with the coronavirus pandemic disrupting what was deemed normal. For small businesses, the crisis has been challenging. Many have closed doors, and others are hanging on by a thread. But that won’t happen because you’re about to slide in and save the day.
The City of Rochester Local Government posits that if consumers like you spend $100 at a local business, about $68 remains in the local economy. However, if the consumers spend the same $100 on outside-based businesses, only $43 will stay in the area. That’s why the local government started the #ShopTheROC movement to bolster local business and encourage locals to spend within the city. The campaign still runs and aims to patronize stores and service providers. Now, here are practical ways of supporting such businesses.

1. Walk Into the Shop or Click on the Website
Many local businesses are already running establishments blocks away from you. Others have already gone online, meaning you can shop online with a click of a button. With walk-in and e-commerce options already provided, what remains is shopping. Start small by spending all your Halloween shopping at a local store. This way, you will get all you need and help the store through these tough pandemic times.
If you’ve ever shopped at big e-commerce establishments like Amazon, you know that they can easily mess up your order. However, the local store will personalize your order if you place your items into your cart and complete the transaction. Small businesses value their customers, and each order is a chance for them to prove that they can outmuscle big stores. So, go online, get your favorite products, and help the store employees put food on their tables. This should help support local businesses in Rochester.
2. Tip More Than You Usually Would
For the past couple of years, all local workers have had it tough financially. For example, restaurants in Rochester have been missing out on in-person orders so much that the flow of tips stopped being steady. This makes it difficult for employees to make more cash at work and support their unique ideas.
With the restrictions now eased, you should be able to walk into a local business and enjoy a meal. Once you’re there, tip more aggressively, and you can be sure it will go far for the service workers. If the local business offers discounts or delivers for free, add the money you’re saving to your tip. When the employees see the gesture, they will appreciate it. Since you understand their struggles as a local business, they will see you as an esteemed customer, and your orders will always be good news to them.
3. Purchase a Membership Subscription
In Rochester, there are many attraction sites and museums. To help them continue running smoothly, consider purchasing a membership subscription. The annual purchases will also give you season passes to enjoy in places like:
- Genesee Country Village & Museum
- Ganondagan State Historic Site
- Seabreeze Amusement Park
- Rochester Museum & Science Center
All the payments you’ll make to these attractions will help grow the local economy. So, don’t hesitate to subscribe.

4. Leave Glowing Reviews
If you want to support local businesses in Rochester, talk about them positively. Leave glowing reviews online, not those one-liners in the Amazon review section. Please take a few minutes to put everything into words, and do it in the comfort of your home.
Unlike big stores like Target, small and medium businesses heavily rely on reviews. Whatever people say about them on Yelp, Facebook, or Google could either draw people to them or away from them. Think about it — if you’re looking for a new place in your local area and find one with two stars, you’re less likely to go there.
So, hop on Yelp and post nice pictures with tiny passages of praise. Of course, don’t be extra because you still want prospective clients to find your reviews credible. Show them the beautiful layout of the place and record videos of your compliments. This gesture should help drive up sales, especially during these holiday times.
If you’re reading this as a local business owner, now is the perfect time to claim your business on review platforms like Google Maps. This way, you’ll be able to respond to reviews, even critical ones. For the people who share complaints, you can always invite them for a free meal or address their issue privately.
5. Get Local Gift Cards
Many small businesses offer gift cards you can redeem for items at the store. It is a great way to support your local pet supply shop, boutiques, or go-to restaurants. The money you pay for the cards is mostly non-refundable, and it helps the business to get money to run the business even before taking orders.
Other local businesses offer online gift cards to make it convenient for you to shop. You won’t have to walk in to get them, and you can instantly redeem them. Get gift cards for yourself and your loved ones to further your impact. If you don’t know where to start, visit Buy Cards From Home and get gift cards. If you can, use the same platform to submit a local business, and you’ll have gone a long way into supporting it.
6. Start Wearing Local Clothing
Fashion is a big thing for many people, and asking them to change their wardrobe may be daunting. However, in the spirit of supporting local businesses, it is an excellent idea for people to put on something representing their community. Local fashion houses print apparel nearby and use local resources to do the job. Besides, they set up their stores just around the corner to make it convenient for you. So, consider picking up some memorabilia about Rochester; you’ll have helped the business grow.
You’ll agree that many local businesses in Rochester are learning to adjust during these tough times. Things are in flux and unknown, and owners fear they may close down and lay off workers. To help keep them in business, consider implementing any of the ideas given here to support local businesses in Rochester. And you don’t have to wait – walk to the nearest shop and buy something off the shelf, or hire a service provider from the same area. Help shop the ROC!