If you love playing Minecraft with friends and have thought about starting your own server, you should keep reading. This Youtube video has all you need to know about server hosting providers, which is one of the most vital aspects to consider. Let’s find out more!
The best Minecraft server hosting provider ensures that your multi-player game doesn’t lag and that your in-game goals are saved correctly. Additionally, it provides you with security for your server and backups as well.
However, there are several things to consider when it comes to hosting options, and each of them is worth a different amount of money.
Before picking anything, you should understand how resource-demanding a game like Minecraft can be. Luckily, it doesn’t require much, which is why you can pick servers with basic features to launch what you desire. Things might get a little more complicated if you want a bigger and more complex world in the game. The basic requirements for Minecraft are 1 GB RAM and 1 CPU Core, but the recommended requirements are 2 GB RAM and 2 CPU Cores.
You can check out the rest of the video to find out more about getting the best Minecraft server hosting provider.