The Rochester magazine is looking for people who will contribute quality content to the website and who will be able to committ to it full time from here forward. The Rochester magazine is not a publication that just anyone with an English degree can get a job working for right out of college. It takes a certain person with accolades, recommendations and experience with other Rochester magazines that can stand a chance to get an interview with this special magazine. If you have ever had the chance to work for a Rochester ny magazine, you will be familiar with the stringent requirements as well as the many dealines that the writers and content producers must meet. Rochester ny magazines deal with this on a regular basis, and they are accustomed to high levels of pressure, and they work well under them because they know that they have to. If you are going to work for the Rochester Magazine that gets the most attention as well as high circulation and readership then you will need to mold or adjust yourself so that you can be this kind of a person. If you think that you have the skills and you have a booklet of your writing samples that you can bring to an interview, then it is to your benefit that you contact a recruiter or that you apply online in order to make yourself seen and heard by a representative that is reviewing applications for the Rochester magazine. This is the only way to stand a chance at getting a job with them. You miss all the chances you never take. Therefore, you need to take a chance and apply for the position of your dreams with the Rochester magazine. This is a chance you need to take! It is an opportunity that does not come around all the time.